Exhibition opening of “What is Queer Today is Not Queer Tomorrow” & Touching / Diana, performance by Eshan Rafi
Friday (Freitag), 13 Juni, 22h-2h
Opening party with DJs Ford Kelly & Svetlana Pall Mall. VJ Black Cracker.
Tuesday (Dienstag), 17 Juni, 16h-18h
Touching / Diana, performance by Eshan Rafi
TOUCHING / DIANA is an ongoing project using the life and death of Princess Diana as a pathway to exploring queer lives and colonial encounters. While mining the internet archive of the late Diana, I come across an insecure subject with a strong sense of justice who was accorded enormous attention due to her white cisgender body and her aristocratic background. This sense of justice translated into visiting countries in the global south for "humanitarian" causes where Diana touched others, both figuratively and literally, and was also touched by them. At the same time, the constant attention the media placed on her revealed narratives about sickness, loneliness, and finally, death. In this work I ask if the spectre of Diana can be used to talk about marginal queer lives in transformative ways, if her desire to touch others can be used to examine how the act of touching is weighted by relationships of power, and ultimately, if the mapping of her body on to the bodies of queer subjects (beginning with my own body) can produce an indeterminate zone in which relationships to a colonial past and a violent present can be re-articulated / re-imagined.
not to be missed 22h Open Air screening in the hof with BAR
“What is Queer Today is Not Queer Tomorrow”
A night of topical short films, by heidy and friends. All films with English subtitles
"Off-White Tulips" by Aykan Safoğlu
(2013, 24 min, Turkey&Germany)
As the artist sifts through a collection of photos and archive materials from the years James Baldwin spent in Istanbul, he narrates a speculative biography of both Baldwin and himself. Drawing from Turkish photographer Sedat Pakay’s images of Baldwin, pop culture artifacts of the period and the artist’s own family photos, Safoğlu’s essay weaves together a personal and complex analysis of race, sexuality and the position of an outsider in a foreign land. -Taken from Images Festival 2014 catalogue
"Uli&Ralle" by Laura Paetau of the heidy collective with Alexandra Konknat, Anna Casanova Nicolas
"Uli&Ralle" by Laura Paetau of the heidy collective with Alexandra Konknat, Anna Casanova Nicolas
(2012, 8min, akademie der autodidakten, Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, Germany)
Special Preview Screening, Latest Films by Simon Jaikiriuma Paetau of the heidy collective &
Llaima Suwani Sanfiorenzo - (Total screening time 1:40h)
Llaima Suwani Sanfiorenzo - (Total screening time 1:40h)
Sensation I, Concept: Ligia Manuela Lewis, Performer: Martin Hansen
Music: Whitney Houston, “I will always love you” (live performance at Divas Live, 1999)
Sensation I is a choreography built for a mouth rendered mute. An act of singing is then abstracted and set in motion. Lewis invites another body into the raptures of affect and embodiment using the iconic pop diva as a point of departure. Through duration and sustained climax, Sensation I potentiates the richness and expressivity of a body morphing through myriad images and references. The audience experiences the efforts and pleasures of a body amplified in silence.
Friday (Freitag), 27 Juni, 12h-17h
Saturday (Samstag), 28 Juni, 12h-17h
Sunday (Sonntag), 29 Juni, 12h-17h
Companions, performance series at nGbK, by Aykan Safoğlu
Saturday (Samstag), 28 Juni, 12h-17h
Sunday (Sonntag), 29 Juni, 12h-17h
Companions, performance series at nGbK, by Aykan Safoğlu
Although the German word, ‘Gesellschaft’ can be translated into English as 'society,' its root word, 'Geselle' can also be translated as 'companion,' linking the word etymologically to the notion of companionship. It is interesting that an art institution like nGbK names itself the 'New Society (Companionship) for Fine Arts'. Departing from this vantage point, the performance series, Companions, will search for queer forms of solidarity and potential companions in the nGbK archives on two different weekends (June, 27-29 and July, 4-6). These performances will be based on communal experiments to appropriate the artistic heritage of nGbK and to find alternate readings of recent queer his/herstories from Berlin. The artistic outcome from each performance session will result in a different installation with the nGbK catalogues on the exhibition floor.
Friday 27 Juni, 12h-17h Aykan invites you to a picnic & reading to revisit Audre Lorde's time in Berlin.Saturday 28 Juni, 12h-17h Imaginative discourse analysis on the specific example of Judith Butler's refusal of the civil courage prize at Berlin Pride in 2010.
Sunday 29 Juni, 12h-17h Singing lessons to dive into the transgressive Arabesque lyrics of a Turkish song (Biz Ayrılamayız), migration of desire and the politics of obscene tunes.
Genital Call, by Alex Giegold & Tomka Weiß
Performative engagement responding to trans*- and inter*phobic legislation. Genitals will be drawn by courtroom illustrator according to participant's live self description.An Gerichtszeichnungen oder Phantombilder erinnern die Zeichnungen der Installation „Genital Call“. Das Künstlerduo Giegold/ Weiß reagiert auf Gerichtsurteile in England und Schottland, bei denen von Trans* und Inter*sexuellen erwartet wird, ihre Geschlechtsidentität bzw. das Aussehen ihrer Genitalien bei einem Rendezvous offenzulegen. Professionelle Gerichtszeichner*innen portraitieren Genitalien den Beschreibungen von Partizipierenden gemäß.
Friday (Freitag), 4 Juli, 15h-19h
Saturday (Samstag), 5 Juli, 15h-19h
Sunday (Sonntag), 6 Juli, 15h-19h
Companions, performance series at nGbK, by Aykan Safoğlu
Saturday (Samstag), 5 Juli, 15h-19h
Sunday (Sonntag), 6 Juli, 15h-19h
Companions, performance series at nGbK, by Aykan Safoğlu
Although the German word, ‘Gesellschaft’ can be translated into English as 'society,' its root word, 'Geselle' can also be translated as 'companion,' linking the word etymologically to the notion of companionship. It is interesting that an art institution like nGbK names itself the 'New Society (Companionship) for Fine Arts'. Departing from this vantage point, the performance series, Companions, will search for queer forms of solidarity and potential companions in the nGbK archives on two different weekends (June, 27-29 and July, 4-6). These performances will be based on communal experiments to appropriate the artistic heritage of nGbK and to find alternate readings of recent queer his/herstories from Berlin. The artistic outcome from each performance session will result in a different installation with the nGbK catalogues on the exhibition floor.
Friday, 4 Juli, 15h-19h Aykan invites you for a fortune telling session. Everyone will receive a personal reading.
Saturday 5 Juli, 15h-19h Workshop to create an alternative visual manual for a queer Kama Sutra.
Sunday 6 Juli, 15h-19h You are welcome to join Aykan today for a Halay workshop.
Friday, 4 Juli, 15h-19h Aykan invites you for a fortune telling session. Everyone will receive a personal reading.
Saturday 5 Juli, 15h-19h Workshop to create an alternative visual manual for a queer Kama Sutra.
Sunday 6 Juli, 15h-19h You are welcome to join Aykan today for a Halay workshop.
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Image, Cyrille Choupas |
Slow dances with strangers/ X ray vision, by Michael V. Smith
In two pieces by Canadian Michael V. Smith, smartphones create an intimate one-on-one performance for audience and performer
Thursday (Donnerstag), 10.Juli, 20h
The same old or so they say. Or why I rarely speak so personally, by Black Cracker
Slow dances with strangers/ X ray vision, performance by Michael V. Smith
In two pieces by Canadian Michael V. Smith, smartphones create an intimate one-on-one performance for audience and performer.
Christopher Street Denial Berlin, Denial Cremer
Denial Cremer schenkt Berlin einen vierten CSD, den kürzesten aller Zeiten! Die Pride-Simulation in der nGbK treibt die aktuelle Spaltung der Berliner Queer-Szenen ins Extrem und zeigt einen weiteren selbstberufenen schwulen Messias bei der Arbeit. Ego-Show, Boy-Drag-Performance, Mikro-Parade und sexy Hoffest mit nackten Ärschen. "Follow me! XO, Denial"
The Dilemma of the Diaspora to Define, Raju Rage
Placed in a world caught in endless transition between absence and presence, in/visibility and the dilemma of defining, join 'monster terrorist fag' on a diasporic voyage towards the fragile contested borders of the u/nknown for a performative installation-assemblage cohered through sensation, vibration, echoes, soundscapes, feedback loops, time travel and recursive fold.
Verortet in einer Welt gefangen in endlosem Pendeln zwischen Ab- und Anwesenheit, Un/Sichtbarkeit und dem Dilemma des Definierens, begleite "Monster Terrorist Fag" auf einer diasporischen Seereise hin zu den brüchigen, umstrittenen Grenzen des Un/bekannten für eine performative Installation-Assemblage zusammengehalten durch Sinneserfahrung, Vibrationen, Echos, Geräuschlandschaften, Feedback-Schleifen, Zeitreisen und rekursive Einfaltungen.
Workshop - READING TROUPE #02 IMAGINATIVE DISSONANCE - performing queer futurity.
Reading Troupe #02 is free but places are limited - sign up here Please include the name of the workshop in the subject line.
Reading Troupe #02 is free but places are limited - sign up here Please include the name of the workshop in the subject line.
In this one day workshop, the second installment of Emma Haugh’s READING TROUPE, you are invited to engage in 'the being singular plural of queerness' via disruptive interventions into excerpts from the text 'CRUISING UTOPIA The Then and There of Queer Futurity' by José Esteban Muñoz'.
Within the “reading troupe”, the “readers” are invited to participate in an active embodiment of knowledge dissemination and production (through reflexive documentation strategies). Located between reading group and theatre rehearsal applying techniques by Augusto Boal, this one-day workshop encourages each participant to become a critical agent who performs what might be living within a text.
A publication documenting ‘READING TROUPE #01 PHYSICAL EDUCATION exercises in embodying discourse’ can be found on the artist’s website here Excerpts from the text ‘Cruising Utopia’ will be made available to participants in advance of the workshop.
PREFORM Edition (There be Dragons here but I carry something of you everywhere I go) by Evan Ifekoya
You are looking so boy/girl or is it Caliban today? Orisha. Any new followers…any new likes… any new requests? Repeat. ‘PREFORM Edition’ explores an autobiography and the lives that have inspired it through Evan’s experience as a queer person of colour. In daily life, occupying a space that is read as neither male nor female, alongside inhabiting a body that is racially marked, Evan is met with hostility. This work aims to reclaim that space, challenging it artistically through provocative yet humorous devised performance. Performance and New media Artist Evan Ifekoya weaves together video, performance and social media interaction into a live event; presenting a black, genderqueer feminist perspective lived today.
Evan Ifekoya & Raju Rage will be holding a creative & critical talk & workshop on Sunday 3 August. For more details about the talk and workshop and how to sign up, please see below.
Evan Ifekoya & Raju Rage will be holding a creative & critical talk & workshop on Sunday 3 August. For more details about the talk and workshop and how to sign up, please see below.
(E)merging identity and creative practice - a creative & critical talk & workshop with Evan Ifekoya & Raju Rage
12.30-14h Creative and critical practice talk - Evan and Raju will be in conversation about their individual and collaborative creative practices. This talk is open and does not need to be booked.
14 -17h (E)merging identity workshop - In small groups we will critically discuss and reflect on the nine micro cultures that make up our identity – class, race, ethnicity, gender, language, religion, ability, age and geography. The aim is for each participant to examine each microculture individually and explore how each has contributed to their whole person. From this, we will produce a series of portraits that will be presented to the group at the end of the session, using transparent (OHP) paper, pens, tape, a camera and projector. Through a creative and transformative process, we will perform and actualise future selves that engage with our past.
Places for the workshop are limited; you can sign up for (E)merging identity and creative practice - a creative & critical talk & workshop at Please include the name of the workshop in the subject line.
Talks by Shaka McGlotten & Kaciano Gadelha of the heidy collective
Black Data is an academic and curatorial project that brings together black queer studies and aesthetic practices with critical analyses of Big Data, and the state and corporate collusions which seek to capture, predict, and modulate human behavior and expression.
Tracking desire. How far is the next guy? Tracking desire is a talk about fragmented bodies, virtual landscapes and architectures of desire among gay men. In what extent has "gay" become just a sign for travelling pleasures translated into digital data? Tracking desire is also about shaping and deforming (Gestaltung ind Entgestaultung) the contours between human and nonhumans.
Performance by Solange, tô aberta!
Solange, tô aberta! (Solange, I'm open!) is a project by Pedro Costa in the format of a show, in the style of funk dance (originally from the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro) that blends queer, punk and drag with the sound of Funk Carioca. It uses funk as a tool of political resistance. Distorting its initial form, it promotes a true explosion of cathartic dance and politics. It speaks of those bodies that want openness and space
to exist, staging the unclassifiable and questioning sexuality, gender, identity and stereotypes.