Friday (Freitag), 27 Juni, 12h-17h
Saturday (Samstag), 28 Juni, 12h-17h
Sunday (Sonntag), 29 Juni, 12h-17h
Companions, performance series at nGbK, by Aykan Safoğlu
Saturday (Samstag), 28 Juni, 12h-17h
Sunday (Sonntag), 29 Juni, 12h-17h
Companions, performance series at nGbK, by Aykan Safoğlu
Although the German word, ‘Gesellschaft’ can be translated into English as 'society,' its root word, 'Geselle' can also be translated as 'companion,' linking the word etymologically to the notion of companionship. It is interesting that an art institution like nGbK names itself the 'New Society (Companionship) for Fine Arts'. Departing from this vantage point, the performance series, Companions, will search for queer forms of solidarity and potential companions in the nGbK archives on two different weekends (June, 27-29 and July, 4-6). These performances will be based on communal experiments to appropriate the artistic heritage of nGbK and to find alternate readings of recent queer his/herstories from Berlin. The artistic outcome from each performance session will result in a different installation with the nGbK catalogues on the exhibition floor.
Friday 27 Juni, 12h-17h Aykan invites you to a picnic & reading to revisit Audre Lorde's time in Berlin.Saturday 28 Juni, 12h-17h Imaginative discourse analysis on the specific example of Judith Butler's refusal of the civil courage prize at Berlin Pride in 2010.
Sunday 29 Juni, 12h-17h Singing lessons to dive into the transgressive Arabesque lyrics of a Turkish song (Biz Ayrılamayız), migration of desire and the politics of obscene tunes.